Ditto Money Partnership

1 min readFeb 28, 2021

Hello coffee enthusiasts,

What’s a better way to start off the weekend than by announcing our strategic partnership with Ditto Money!

Ditto is the first elastic supply token on the Binance Smart Chain, having the ability to shift it’s supply according to demand while aiming to maintain a stable price of 1$. We at CafeSwap aim on solving inflation problems to maintain a sustainable ecosystem as well through our multiple burning mechanisms. Do you see the synergy here? Two different projects with a mutual goal — Sustainability.

“Ok what does this mean for us brewing professionals?”. Together with Ditto we will offer a farming vault for DITTO-BNB liquidity providers at CafeSwap, earning you BREW tokens!

“But I’d like to earn DITTO too!” — Don’t worry we’ve got your backs, we are also adding a new staking pool in CafeSwap. Deposit your BREW tokens and start earning DITTO in no time!

We are big believers in partnerships and want to build an inclusive BSC DeFI ecosystem, which is why we are very happy to have Ditto part of the CafeSwap family.

Happy Brewing☕☕

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Medium: https://cafeswap.medium.com/




CafeSwap is a Cross Chain chain yield farming, staking and AMM platform. Visit us at https://cafeswap.finance