CafeSwap X SolChicks NFT AMA Recap & Winner Announcement!
10 min readNov 30, 2021


CafeSwap Finance AMA with SolChicks NFT took place on Monday, November 29, 2021.

The following Medium post is a recap of CafeSwap’s AMA session with Paul, the Core Lead at SolChicks NFT project, a fantasy Play-to-Earn game built around SolChick NFT collectibles on Solana. The recap features the winning questions asked by community members on Twitter and Telegram on everything “SolChicks NFT” and the answers. Some parts were edited and restructured for an easy read to make it to those who could not join the AMA. After the successful whitelisting of IGO participants on CafeSwap, the public sale started on November 30, at 1pm UTC and sold out in less than 2 minutes.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Welcome, Paulo, to CafeSwap ☕️

David | CafeSwap MBD: Hi! Paulo, and welcome to CafeSwap Family!

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Such an honor to be here!

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Paulo will be clearing most of the Communities’ questions regarding SolChicks NFT.

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

All set yo!

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Let’s start! Can you describe Yourself and SolChicks?

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Yup! I’m one of the Core Leads at SolChicks. I’m overseeing Marketing and Partnerships with other guilds, companies, and other P2E games! As for SolChicks, we like to think we’re now ahead and the top play-to-earn game on Solana. — hit #1 at Solanart! It combines features from all your favorite traditional games — including Diablo, League of Legends, and Dota. We wanted to build a fun game; in contrast to what’s out there in the market. We believe that by building a PvP based, immersive gameplay with skill trees, quests, class changes, and tournaments, we can bring people to playing P2E games not just because it’s earning money but because it’s fun too!

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

This should be like this always; if you find it fun and interesting, money will follow. We have seen tremendous growth in SolChicks NFT on NFT Marketplaces.

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

True that! The gameplay comes first. We believe that’s what matters most!

David | CafeSwap MBD:

Definitely! This is something that we’re all excited about in the long run.

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Ya! Unbelievable support from the community. It went from 1.5 sol 2 weeks ago to about 15 sol floor right now.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Right, May our Community know when the next Minting and price for SolChicks NFTs is?

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Good question. We’re still weighing this, actually! It likely won’t be as low as 5 Sol, as that will hurt the market and the later buyers at a higher price. It also won’t be as high as the floor right now. The Mint will happen in December for sure! Likely mid-December.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

That’s surely great news for those who are waiting for the next Mint 😁

David | CafeSwap MBD:

Can’t wait🔥

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Next Question, Can you tell us about your Team? Because every successful Project needs a great team behind it to make it a Global hit.

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Solchicks is definitely a global brand; our team members 70+ pax came from 19 Countries. We have staff overseeing country groups from top gaming countries such as Korea, China, SEA — Philippines, Vietnam. We’re still looking for more if anyone is interested! Our Team largely comes from the best in the business-building background and game development. Our CEO, William, studied at Wharton and worked with McKinsey and Company. We have members from Bain Capital. JP Morgan & Chase and other business-building companies.

For the gaming development side of things, we have onboarded 0xplay from Korea, who have decades of experience in companies like Nexon and Line, leading devs for MapleStory, PUBG, TERA, Dungeon Fighter, and Heroes of New Earth! It’s really why they have pieced together such a quality demo even with just 4 weeks of development. Our demo right now is free for anyone to access. We believe that with the best team + the fastest moving quality project, we are sure to dominate the markets come 2022!

David | CafeSwap MBD:

That’s something good to know, especially when it comes to innovation at a larger scale.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

There is no doubt your demo game is lit 🔥

David | CafeSwap MBD:

So what inspired you and your team to choose the name Solchicks Nft and what’s the story behind the design of your characters?

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

We are in Solana, hence the ode to Sol. As for Chicks, I think didn’t want to take ourselves too seriously! We wanted a more inclusive image; and not necessarily going all-in on the gore or intensity like Dark Souls or the goth in Diablo.

Little fighting chickens really did the job in marrying both the cute / silly side of things with serious, immersive gameplay

David | CafeSwap MBD:

I love the designs😍 They’re awesome!

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

That’s impressive! Do you have so many big VC backups at least mentioned in your Pitch deck? Can you name a Few big out of them and any numbers of how much they backed?

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Au21, Master VEntures, Spartan, Metavest, unanimous, BCA Investments, Solar Eco Fund. Still several unmentioned or signing. The numbers vary, from as low as 20k USD to 1M USD!Sure thing!

David | CafeSwap MBD:

So there is still room for expansion and innovation in addition to all the great features a person could ever want.

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Yes, more connections too!

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Solana can process 700k over transactions at a single time, while Visa can only do 250k. So transactions are blazing fast! And fees are 0.00005 USD, I think? Inconsequential.

David | CafeSwap MBD:

That’s an impressive Number.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

That’s great! Everyone knows Solana is so much hyped at the moment, so is this the reason you selected it, or is there any other reason behind building on Solana?

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Solana is also quite new as a blockchain, and it’s something we want to grow together with.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Haha, that’s a fact, actually.

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

We have a larger reach now with Solana also, and with an early mover advantage, we believe we can top Star Atlas and Aurory, our main competitors in Solana

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

So have you got any backings or Social support from Official Solana Developers?

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Yes! they were our first backers! Hence the backing from Solar Eco Fund.

David | CafeSwap MBD:

That’s good to know, especially for those who seek great returns on their investment.

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Most definitely! Best time to buy now since the IDO would be the cheapest for the public.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

So the last question for this segment. There is a misunderstanding for the Initial MarketCap at the start because some launchpads have mentioned 9.5M, and some have mentioned 5M; which one is correct?

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Yes, afraid these are true at different timings. We have various support and funding coming in, which naturally affects the market cap. We are nailing it down to 5M for now, although it may shift slightly still as we come to the close of the fundraising — finalizing payments, hard and soft commitments.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

I hope that clears everyone’s doubt about the Initial MarketCap. Lets Move to the Next Segment of AMA. In this Segment, @auloap has picked 2 questions from Twitter he wishes to answer.

Q.1 Can you briefly explain Top milestones that the SolChicks team aims to execute before the end of this year or going to execute in future? What SolChicks may look like in 2021 and beyond?

From @huyenthuvu7549

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

We are 2 months old, yet our community has blown up to over 400k, with 70 staff across different countries! Even our demo is out now and that’s just with 1 month of development with the team we onboarded and we have a playable boss battle already! We are on track to selling the rest of our 5000 solchicks next month, followed by the alpha in Q1 of 2022! We will be launching the full game, including play-to-earn aspects by mid-late 2022. We are looking at interoperability as well — maybe having shared dungeons with other P2E games, or shared marketplaces. Our sol-village essentially will function like the Monster Hunter Hub, where you’re connected to various portals — diff dungeons, game modes, inter-game collabs, etc. We hope to build our own gaming studio in the future. We’re really quite ambitious!

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Q.2 What makes Solchicks🐤 different from any other play-to-earn games and what you expect from Solchicks’ community🐦 in the future?

From @kritapop271242

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Our game will be both entertaining and play-to-earn. We are elevating multiplayer modes, that isn’t just a single player against another single player! PvP modes can range from 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or even Free for All modes. There are different classes, skills, so there’s a lot of room to have roles like support, tank, carry, and more! Those who do well in the season are rewarded with $CHICK coins. We’re similar in a way with other games like Axie that have breeding and an in-game marketplace. However as you have seen from our demo, we are very different in terms of gameplay. Most games out there are clicking games, or turn based. Ours is a MMO mixed with ARPG and MMR systems! We hope you can try it for yourself!

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

So much Fun yet to experience. Thanks for answering them @auloap

Let’s move now to 3rd and last segment of this AMA.

There will be 1 Minutes to Post your questions with 15 Minutes Slow Mode. Paulo will Pick 3 best questions from it and answer it. Copy questions will be disqualified.

David | CafeSwap MBD:

Let’s go!

Live Questions Community members submit questions.

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Time’s Up! @auloap picked the 3 best questions from all the Questions.

I am sure there is no Bot involved in this 😂. After picking 3 you can answer more if you wish.Take your time.

Question 1

“SolChicks is more geared towards gamers. How can I earn income without playing your game as an investor? Does holding $CHICKS coin provide long-term returns?”

From: TONEY Bear Gem Hunters

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Great question. We will be introducing an NFT-loaning system, similar to Axie’s Scholarship system. Therefore NFT holders can actually earn without playing the game when they rent out their SolChicks! The best part about this is that the loaning system is within the Game UI, and not outside the Game, like Axie’s. This takes out trust-related issues like scams and missed payments.

As for holding the tokens, we are going to introduce a Staking feature soon! Look forward to it; there will be many rewards for holding the tokens!

Question 2

“Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?”

From: Strawbery

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

In TG alone, we have tons of country groups! Korea, China, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Spain, Philippines, UAE, and more! We are also constantly hiring country leads!

Question 3

“Is there any burn/buyback done of your token? Do you have any burn/buyback features to attract more investors?”

From: Helen

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Burn will happen during breeding, as $CHICKS token will be used there. Other use cases also involve having to buy the sub-currencies in the game that help for quality of life improvements, and not pay-to-win tendencies.

David | CafeSwap MBD:

A lot of exciting features!

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

That’s it. We have our 3 winners for Live questions. Anything you wish to say to our Community before leaving Paulo?

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Here’s a link for all our socials and key links! And do support CafeSwap for the coming IDO!

Breve | CafeSwap CEO:

Thanks for Coming to CafeSwap and answering all community questions Paulo. By this we wrap this AMA up. Note: Winners will receive their rewards after the TGE which is on 6th DEC.

Twitter AMA Winners:

  1. @huyenthuvu7549
  2. @kritapop271242

Telegram AMA Winners:

  1. BEAR_Toney
  2. HELEN22
  3. sweetyally

Paulo | SolChicks NFT Content Lead Manager:

Thanks everyone for having me!

David | CafeSwap MBD:

This ends our AMA with SolChicks NFT .Thank you for staying with us throughout the entire session!

About SolChicks

SolChicks is a fantasy Play-to-Earn game built around SolChick NFT collectibles, where players use their SolChicks as their characters in a unique Gaming Metaverse. SolChicks allows you to discover rare collectibles and be rewarded for your playtime through a detailed, integrated ecosystem, all while taking advantage of the power of decentralized ownership that cryptocurrency brings. As one of the first NFT-driven gaming platforms built on the Solana blockchain, SolChicks has combined the best of both worlds into one integrated gaming platform so you can enjoy unique NFT collectibles, and use them as main characters in an exciting virtual world. The SolChicks project is ultimately focused on uniting people together in an enjoyable ‘play and earn’ experience through blockchain innovation and integration.

SolChicks Socials

Website |Reddit |Medium |Tiktok | Telegram | Facebook |Discord |Instagram

About CafeSwap

CafeSwap is a Standalone Automated Market Maker (AMM) offering a suite of yield farming, yield optimization, and staking platform, to trade multichain assets with the lowest transaction fees available. It is a one-stop DeFi solution to make decentralized finance services accessible to liquidity providers and yield aggregators.

CafeSwap Socials:

Official Website | Documentation | Announcements |Telegram Group

Twitter |Discord | Reddit |Instagram



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